Meet Your New AI-Powered Exercise Chatbot

By ,
on Sep 2, 2023

Inspired by Dr. Peter Attia's longevity research in "Outlive," we are excited to introduce our new AI Chatbot designed to provide cutting-edge insights into optimizing your healthspan.

About the AI Chatbot

Doctors rely on the same evidence-based sources as the AI Chatbot, like JAMA and The New England Journal of Medicine. Think of the AI Chatbot as an expert medical librarian, providing fast access to trustworthy studies and summaries tailored to your unique questions and interests.

Picture of chatbot welcome screen
AI Chatbot Welcome Screen

Precision and Trust: How Our AI Ensures Factual Responses

Ensuring the AI Chatbot only provides accurate information is crucial. This is achieved through document retrieval—it only scans esteemed medical journals to generate responses, significantly reducing the chance of inaccurate "hallucinations."

A Powerful Educational Supplement, Not a Replacement

Recent research indicates that AI chatbots can provide thoughtful, empathetic responses from evidence-based and peer-reviewed medical sources. The AI Chatbot's role is to educate and inform, not diagnose or prescribe treatment.

For example, a study published in JAMA found that in over 78% of cases, medical professionals preferred AI-generated answers to physician responses for quality and empathy (Shen et al., 2022).


The AI Chatbot is a game-changing supplement for your health education journey, however, is not a doctor and cannot provide individual medical advice. It serves as a powerful supplement to help you get educated on health topics, allowing you to be more proactive in your longevity and health.

Give it a try

AI Chatbot

Your Suggestions

Let us know if you have any other suggestions for how the AI Chatbot can best support your learning! Here's to healthier, longer lives.


Shen, M. J., Livermore, J. W., Kamath, A. F., Gawande, A. A., & Walker, D. M. (2022). Comparing Physician and Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Responses to Patient Questions Posted to a Public Social Media Forum. JAMA internal medicine, 182(4), 460-466.